Tag: collaboration and trust

When ‘good enough’ is not enough

Collaboration, like virtually every aspect of business strategy and performance, has elements that are deceptively simple. In the case of everyday collaboration, what often remains completely unobserved is the fact that simple, transactional engagement and information sharing between parties does not lead to the best that collaboration offers […]

Psychoanalysing collaboration

[5 minute read] Technology that enables people to work together is essential. And the more intuitively it is designed, the more effective it is. There is seemingly an exponential proliferation of tools that are branded ‘collaboration’ which promise a world of benefits. COVID-19 has also played an additional […]

We know a collaborator when we see one

Science tells us that people have fine-tuned their skills to detect some features about humans in a matter of seconds.  We form impressions of each other literally within a matter of seconds and mostly without being aware of it.  So, I wonder how long it takes to detect […]